Autor/autori: Catalina VASILESCU, Dragos HERA, Carlos INFANTE FERREIRA (Olanda)

Rezumat: Ciclurile de racire cu absorbtie cu dublu efect imbunatatesc performanta sistemelor cu absorbtie prin folosirea caldurii de actionare de doua ori. Acest articol prezinta un model matematic detaliat pentru ciclu cu absorbtie cu dublu efect in configuratia paralel si schema logica corespunzatoare. Modelul este validatat cu date experimentale existente pentru aplicatii de aer conditionat. Folosind acest model, este studiata influenta raportului de distributie al solutiei bogate asupra performantei ciclului. Se arata ca exista o valoare optima a raportului de distributie a solutiei bogate pentru care puterea de racire prezinta un maxim. Ratia de 0,65 figureaza a fi cea mai avantajoasa.

Cuvinte cheie: absorbtie, ciclu cu dublu efect, configuratia paralel

Abstract: Double-effect absorption cooling cycles improve the performance of absorption systems by using the input heat twice. This paper presents a detailed mathematical model for absorption double-effect cycle parallel flow and the corresponding flowchart. The model is validated using existing experimental data for air-conditioning applications. Using this model, the influence of the distribution ratio of the strong solution on the performance of the cycle is investigated. It is shown that there is an optimum value of the distribution ratio for which the cooling power has a maximum. Ratio 0.65 appears to be the most advantageous.

Keywords: absorption, double-effect cycle, parallel configuration