Autor/autori: Gratiela TARLEA, Mioara VINCERIUC , Ana TARLEA

Rezumat: În aceasta lucrare se prezinta o comparatie intre agentul frigorific R22 si alternativele ecologice (R410A, R422A si R422D) care se pot inlocui intr-un sistem de aer conditionat si in care s-a calculat COP-ul,GWP si factorul TEWI. Deoarece Romania este membra a Uniiunii Europene trebuie sa respecete obligatiile cu privire la protcolul de la Kyoto si Montreal. Proprietatile termodinamice ale amestecurilor din aceasta lucrare au fost calculate folosind soft-ul Refprop, iar factorul TEWI a fost calculat in concordanta cu standardul SR EN 378-1. COP-ul sistemului frigorific a fost calculat cu soft-ul DUPREX.

Cuvinte cheie: agent frigorific, amestec, GWP, ODP, TEWI

Abstract: The paper shows refrigerants comparison of R22 and ecological alternative (R410A, R422A and R422D) that can be used in air conditioning systems with the calculation of COP, GWP and TEWI factor. Because Romania is member of EU and signed Kyoto (1997) and Montreal Protocol (1987) has obligations to respect environmental legislation. Thermodynamic properties were done using software Refprop and TEWI factor was determined according the standard SR EN 378-1. The COP for the air conditioning refrigeration systems was calculated with DUPREX software

Keywords: refrigerant, mixture, GWP, ODP, TEWI