Autor/autori: Galina Rodica PRICA, Maria TARLEA, Mioara VINCERIUC , Ana TARLEA

Rezumat: Din respect pentru planeta Pamant, omenirea cauta optiuni ecologice si pentru sistemele de aer conditionat. Solutia recomandata in lucrare se refera la utilizarii unei pompe de caldura geotermale. Noul sistem are ca avantaje: o economie de energie de cel putin 50% precum si faptul ca reprezinta o solutie ecologica.

Cuvinte cheie: pompa de caldura geotermica, energie regenerabila, reechipare, sistem HVAC.

Abstract: Out of respect for Earth and taking into account the decrease of fossil fuels, whose price is continually rising, a heating system based on carbon-intensive technology, long distance heat transport and high energy efficiency no longer serves any purpose so the choice of an air conditioning system based on renewable resources, appears to be the best option. The desire to retrofit will be materialized by exploiting, at local level, the renewable resources potential, by designing and implementing efficient and durable technologies, which will lead to a profitable exploitation: the geothermal closed loop with heat pumps and fan coils. The success of the new system will be given from better insulation of the building by using an efficient division of the laboratory with plasterboard panels (vertical and horizontal) both mobile and/or fixed. The new system has advantages: cleans the energy consumption with at least 50% (reduced safety), is not pollutant and has no risk of explosion.

Keywords: geothermal heat pump, renewable energy, retrofit HVAC system