Une modélisation physico-mathematique et experimentale de la phase d’allumage d’une couche de combustible solide

Autor/autori: Nicolae N. ANTONESCU, Dan Paul STANESCU, Niculae ANTONESCU

Rezumat: Physical-mathematical and experimental modelling of solid fuel layer ignition in boiler furnaces.The experimental researches highlighted a convective-radiative ignition process in the solid fuel layer of a gasification boiler. The importance of the ignition process for the massic burning rate imposed the elaboration of a gasodynamic and thermodynamic model for the convective ignition, further validated by experimental works by the means of direct visualization and photographic documentation of the process on pilot installation. The hot gases upstream flow speed was determined and also the characteristic parameters for the generated ignition, such as ignition time and flow geometry. The physical-mathematical model results are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained, by this the model being validated. The results are applicable in the optimization of the bunker and furnace zones for the gasification boilers, leading to higher thermal efficiencies and lower pollutant emissions in both domestic and industrial applications.

Cuvinte cheie: biomass, combustion, ignition, modeling