Romanian software application for the computation of the building energy performance

Autor/autori: Severin CAZANESCU, Dan BERBECARU, Irina GRIGORE, Raluca CAZANESCU

Rezumat: The Law no. 372/2005 transposes the European Directive 2002/91/CE into Romanian legislation which has in view to improve the energy performance of the buildings, taking into consideration the climatic conditions, the building location, the interior comfort requirements and the energy and economic efficiency. IPCT INSTALATII SRL, by its own authorized energy auditors, together with Algorithm +SRL have cooperated to develop AllEnergy ® software application, application very useful to compute the energy performance of the buildings, in accordance with the Romanian Methodology MC001/1,2,3. –2006. In 2009 the software application was registered by State Office for Trademarks and Patents in Romania. The paper presents the structure of AllEnergy ® software application and how the application determines the building energy consumption profile, generates the energy performance certificate, computes the energy savings resulting from the proposed measures for the improvement of the energy performance and performs the economic analysis of the adopted measures in the framework of the energy audit.

Cuvinte cheie: energy performance of the building, energy audit, software application, energy savings