Autor/autori: G. CHICHIGNOUD, K. ZAIDAT, Y. DELANNOY, T. DUFFAR (Franta), E. BROCHIER (Franta), Y. FAUTRELLEX (Franta)

Rezumat: Regiunea Rhone-Alpes (RRA) este una din cele mai imporatnte zone de cercetare din Franta. RRA reuneste 1300 de cercetatori implicati in domeniul energiei si aplicatiilor sale. RRA a lansat un plan de actiune in ordine sa promoveze dezvoltarea activitatilor de cercetare in energiilor regenerabile. Energia solara este unul dintre subiectele principale promovate de grup dupa creearea Centrului National pentru Energie Solara (INES) din Chambery. Dintre diverse teme legate de energia solara, prelucrarea siliciului pentru proiectarea eficienta a celulelor fotovoltaice reprezinta o prioritate. Cercetarile asigura intreg procesul de elaborare a siliconului pur, construirea de plachete de silicon cu performanta ridicata pentru integrarea acestora in celule.

Cuvinte cheie: energie, captarea energiei, celule, celule fotovoltaice, eficienta cladirilor

Abstract: Region Rhone-Alpes (RRA) is one of the major research poles in France. RRA gathers around 1300 researchers involved in the field of energy and its applications. RRA has launched a plan of action in order to promote the development of the research activities on renewable energies. Solar energy is one the main topics supported by the cluster following the creation of the National Centre for Solar Energy (INES) in Chambery. Among the various topics related to solar energy, silicon processing for the design of efficient photovoltaic cells is one of the priorities. Researches cover the all chain from the elaboration of pure silicon, the building of silicon wafers with high performances to the final integration into the cells.

Keywords: Energy, energy harvesting, fuel cells, photovoltaic cells, building efficiency